Dear Diary, Day 3 & 4


Tonight I finished my 2nd CrossFit session with my trainer. Was awesome yet again. Feeling amazing. I know I’ll be sore tomorrow but I’m looking at it as a good thing.

Tonight’s workout was 16 minutes long (not including warmup/cooldown). We began after I learned out to deadlift properly (which by the way I did 85 lbs and was super impressed with myself!).

Ok so the circut was this:

– 4 deadlifts (75 lbs)
– 6 pullups
– 10 squats

and I had to see how many times I could do that in 16 minutes. I managed to do 8 rounds plus 4 deadlifts at the end! Ok, might not seem like a lot to someone who has been doing this for awhile but for me, it was beyond my expectations of myself. I’m feeling quite proud.

Can’t wait for my next session on Tuesday night!

For the next couple of days, I really need to work on two particular muscle areas that I learned are extremely week. One is my lower abs, the other is under my arms.

I’m exhausted so I’m keeping this short. Off to bed. Will check in tomorrow.

J xo

EDIT!!! Yikes, so tired I almost forgot my measurements.

hips 45.5
waist 38
bust 44
right arm 15.5
right leg 26.5

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